Saturday, January 24, 2009

January Jamboree

The random thread for the month. Let's get jigging!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Presidential Election 2008!

You know what it is..and the election final ballot is fast approaching!
Who's it going to be, the Republican McCain, or the Democrat Obama? Now I know there's been a lot of controversy over this topic, but please, try not to flame in your posts. And no random spews. I don't like random spews.
(McCain '08!)

This is Halloween (Halloween, Halloween...)

Jack Skellington has officially come out of the TV to haunt me.

So, what (or who) are you going to choose as your Halloween haunt? After all, it's only 24 days away...


Hi everyone!
As you probably all know, it's already into that time of year...the time of year where we all get shipped back into oblivion by our all too willing parents. You nkow what I'm talking about. And,come on...what's with all this homework? Vent your feelings here.

Welcome To My Blog!

Hi there! As of now, my online alias is Aggie Gryphon. MuseBloggers, you can call me Agrrrfsihi or Aggie or whatever, I don't care which. Yeah, so anyway, this is another place where I hang out, so give me a shout-out and post around! I hope you all ahve fun! See you later, gators!
~Aggie The Powerful Administrator of her blog (yay!)